What is the value of a virtual hug if a picture is worth a thousand words? More than a thousand words and more value than money can buy. During this pandemic, many people are missing the human touch.

They are also missing out on the profound human benefits of touch and hugs. And these advantages are reciprocal—that is, we benefit from both giving and receiving hugs.

Touch and hugs have been shown to have numerous health benefits.

So, how many hugs are recommended per day? Hugging, it has been suggested, should be part of our daily routine – our vitamin H, if you will.

During this pandemic, a hug may be just what you need to get through some difficult times.

While there is plenty of evidence that hugs are beneficial to our health, most of us already know this intuitively. 

Maybe it's just what you need after a long day of homeschooling. Maybe it's after a phone call with your mother or father, and you're missing them or worried about them. Perhaps it is what you want to give to someone who is struggling and could benefit from your assistance.

While nothing can ever replace a physical hug, the love and support that drives the desire to give a hug can still be felt.

Increasing the impact of a virtual hug

Do you want to heighten the sensation? Simply follow these three simple steps:

  • Make a clear intention.

What exactly are you sending? Is it love? Is it support? What do you want the person to think?

  • Now, recall an amazing hug you have either given or received in the past.

Dive deep into that memory and try to relive it as best you can. What were you doing at the time? What were the specifics? What did you wear? Try to recall as many specifics as you can. This is the savouring experience.

You can savour a good cup of coffee while reminiscing and hugging. What were your emotions like at the time? How do you feel now that you've realised you're imagining it?

  • Finally, take that feeling and hit the send button. love transcends time and space. It is going to be felt.

Even before the pandemic, there were reports that, at least in Western culture, the human touch was declining. people are spending more time on their phones than they are with the people in their lives. Perhaps the positive side effect of this pandemic will be a return to more human touch and hugging.

For the time being, most of us know someone who could benefit from a hug, and a virtual hug is not only better than nothing; it counts! I'm sure some of the non-huggers out there (hello, my sister) would be interested in receiving one.

Let's get started. Who is the first person to receive a virtual hug from you?


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