Tips: Home-made hair oil for hair loss!!!

The oil retains the moisture in the hair and makes the hair beautiful and shiny, it reduces hair loss and prevents dryness. Winter can greatly affect the skin and hair. So hair and skin in winter need extra care and nutrition.

In ancient times, people used homemade hair oils, this oil retains the moisture in the hair and prevents it from drying out, reducing hair loss and making the hair beautiful and shiny. It is becoming a solution to the young grey hair that many people suffer today.

A nutritionist has shared on her social media page about how to make homemade special hair oil.

Required things:

Hibiscus flowers - 20

Amla - 10

Neem leaves - a bunch

Curry leaves - a bunch

Small onions - five

Aloe vera gel - 1cup

Jasmine - 15 to 20

Fenugreek seeds- 2 tablespoon

Coconut oil - one liter


* Soak Fenugreek seeds in water for half an hour.

* Grind all the above ingredients together, except the oil.

* Add the blended combination with pure coconut oil and heat the oil on low flame for 45 minutes. 

* Boiled oil can be cooled well, filtered, and used in a dried bottle.

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