Mega brothers Chiru, Naga Babu and Pawan Kalyan share a good emotional bonding with each other is open secret. TFI quotes mega brothers as best example of brotherhood, both Pawan-Naga Babu standing beside Chiru when PRP party started and world knows Pawan sold his farm house when Orange film faced finical losses. There is n-number of examples like this to show mega brother stand by each other sides.

Looking at the latest trailers director Teja's upcoming film 'Veyyi Abaddalu', anti-mega fans are spreading rumors that Naga Babu is using Pawan Kalyan. Here is the actual story folk, Mega brother Nagababu is playing a comical role as a hardcore fan of Pawan Kalyan and his character name in the film is Tower star.

When other heroes, directors are banking on Pawan Kalyan name then even Teja did not hold back to use Pawan’s brand name for his film. But sources say Nagababu's admiration and love towards his brother Pawan made him play this role. How can people go so low on their character just to create negative atmosphere and publicity in industry, God should know.

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