Buy Now, Then Pay: Apple's New Plan..!

Many companies, including flipkart and Ola, have now come up with a Buy Now Pay Later system for the convenience of their customers. apple has now come up with this method in that category. We will now look at the full details of this. A service called apple Pay Later means buying apple products now and then paying. At the recent Global Developers Conference, apple announced the new service. Initially, the service will be launched first in the USA and then slowly to all countries.
In apple Wallet, Pay later will be configured. With apple Pay, customers can pay after a certain period of time, for any item they purchase. This scheme takes in no interest and with a certain installment, fees can be paid. However, a credit test will be done by apple to check the financial status of the users.
Apple seeks to increase sales and profits while taking into account the consumer's financial position. Pros and cons of using such a service should also be known.What's the point for Apple? apple products will sure take in more customers with this scheme. Middle-class people buying iPhones will surely increase. So sales and profits will also increase. As Apple's customers begin to use the Pay Later service more and more, it will be of great benefit to merchants as well.But at the same time, indeed, buying now and then paying for service will not be good for customers who have unregulated financial status.
But it is worth noting that the program provides immediate satisfaction from a consumer's psychological perspective and that the younger generation in particular has been a huge supporter of the service.

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