Britain's latest warning for care workers..!?

British home minister revealed that this new policy brought in this order is likely to be implemented from this week. The british government has made an important decision regarding care workers who help with household chores. As part of this, the british government has decided that overseas care workers, including Indians, cannot bring their dependent family members along. british home minister revealed that this new policy brought in this order is likely to be implemented from this week.
Yes... According to the new visa rules that will come into force from this week... the government has taken a new decision to restrict overseas care workers, including Indians, from bringing their dependent family members to the UK. To this extent, british home minister james Cleverly revealed the details of this new immigration policy. As a part of this, britain allowed 1,00,000 visas last year through the care visa system. 1,20,000 more dependents came with them. This is seriously disrupting the measures they are taking in the matter of visa misuse. He said that such a situation would not be allowed anymore.At the same time, james Cleverly said that care workers make a wonderful contribution to their society. They take care of their loved ones in times of need. But this abuse cannot be justified. He said that these works will completely change their immigration system. This unacceptable situation cannot be allowed to continue. To this extent, the government is preparing to introduce these new rules in the parliament on Thursday. At this time, the government said that care providers in england who act as sponsors for migrants should also register with the Care Quality Commission.

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